Scavenger Hunt 2024
The Hunt is now on
Once again our friend Bill Manson has made us a great collection of "Scottish Hidden Heids" (that's Heads to you non-Scots) for our Scavenger Hunt.
The "Heids" (which are Fridge Magnets) will be hidden in different places around Port Hope - don't worry, we will give you clues where to look - and when you find them, they are yours to keep.
Not only that, if you tell us where you found it, and give us a picture of the "Heid", we will give you $10.00 off the gate admission price for Saturday's Northumberland Scottish Festival & Highland Games.
Bill will hide 2 "Heids" every day, starting on Wednesday June 5th, and you don't have to find the "Heid" that day to qualify.
We will let you know each day which "Heids" you are looking for, now that the Scavenger Hunt has begun..
Have fun, and good luck.
To see all of Bill's work and Fridge Magnets, please visit his website at https://www.billmansoncarving.com
Daily Schedule of Scottish Hidden Heids Fridge Magnets
Wednesday June 5th : Sir John Eh and Alexander Graham Bell
Sir John is here conducting town busines, while Mr.Bell is visiting the company office
Thursday June 6th : Invading Viking and Para Handy
The Viking has been found, but Para is having a sailors meeting at the club
Friday June 7th Obnoxious Tourist and Happy New Year
Tourist is lost after a pint or 3 and is looking for Memorial Park. Happy's waiting to hear live music in the Park. She's too early
Saturday June 8th Sorry, no new Heids, but keep looking for the ones already hidden
Sunday June 9th Flora MacDonald and Holy Willy Both were foubd same day
Monday June 10th Tam O'Shanter and Captain Kidd
Tom O’Shanter is enjoying a pint before the games and looks like he has made a new friend Stirling.
Captain Kidd is looking for the best place to set sail! Never far from waters edge.
Tuesday June 11th Scottish Football Fan and Rob Roy MacGregor
If you find one of the Fridge Magnets, it is yours to keep.
If you would like $10.00 off the admissions price to the Games, on Saturday June 15th. please email us a picture as proof you have the magnet, and tell us where you found it. We will send you an email that you will show to our Gates people, authorizing them to take $10.00 off the $20.00 Gate price.
You must apply for this discount by midnight Thursday June 13th
Send your picture (and full name) to northumberlandgamesinfo@gmail.com
Holy Willy,
Sir John Eh,
Happy New Year,
Scottish Football Fan
Alexander Graham Bell,
Captain Kidd,
Obnoxious Tourist,
Rob Roy MacGregor
Invading Viking,
Tam O'Shanter,
Flora MacDonald,
Para Handy