Scottish Trivia
Try your luck at our Scottish Trivia Quiz.
You could win tickets to this year's Highland Games!

The Scottish Trivia fun contest for 2024 is now over.
Last week's 4 winners are,
Jacqueline Smith
Shelby Jones
Sheila Charleton
Brittany Heather
who all correctly identified the town of Tobermory, Isle of Mull
Thank you to all who participated in our little fun game.
Better luck next year to those who didn't win
The Unicorn is Scotland's National animal

Scotland is praised for its first-class golf
courses but St Andrews takes the crown as the world's 'Home of Golf'. Although King James banned golf in 1457, the first written record of the sport in St Andrews was 1552.
The World's shortest commercial flight is from Westray, Orkney to the island of Papa. The distance is less than 2 miles, and only takes a couple of minutes

"Braveheart" was actually the nickname given to Robert the Bruce (pictured) not William Wallace
Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have a Fire Brigade

The deepest Loch in Scotland is Loch Morar which reaches a depth of 1077 feet (328 m)
It is the 17th deepest lake (loch) in the world
It is also home to "Morag" a 30 foot long monster, not unlike its famous cousin "Nessie"
It first appeared in August 1969, supposedly attacking 2 fishermen, who described it as having 3 humps and a snake like head. No mention if they were given a breath test.